Taxi Fare Calculator

Taxi Rates

New York Taxi Rates

New York

Day (06:00 - 19:59)
Distance Rate 1 $2.50 for first 321.90 meters
Distance Rate 2 then $0.50 for every 321.90 meters
Booking Fee Free
Waiting Time $30.00/hour
Peak (16:00 - 19:59 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday only )
Distance Rate 1 $2.50 for first 321.90 meters
Distance Rate 2 then $0.50 for every 321.90 meters
Booking Fee Free
Peak Fee $1.00
Night (20:00 - 05:59 )
Distance Rate 1 $2.50 for first 321.90 meters
Distance Rate 2 then $0.50 for every 321.90 meters
Booking Fee Free
Night Fee $0.50
Additional Fees
Toll Roads All toll road charges will be added to the fare


To/From JFK and any location in Manhattan: This is a flat fare of $52 plus tolls, the 50-cent MTA State Surcharge, the 30-cent Improvement Surcharge, and $4.50 rush hour surcharge (4 PM to 8 PM weekdays, excluding legal holidays).

It is expected that riders will also pay only what's on the meter, plus a 15-20 percent gratuity/tip.